James Bagnell
Final Project
“ Damn, what a sorry looking outfit. You boys don't look so crazy to me.” page 60
“ Right at your balls. No, that nurse some kinda monster chicken, buddy what she is is a ball - cutter.” page 6
“But I tried though, he says! Goddamnit, I sure as hell did that much now, didn't I?” page 111
“ Well, I was generally use paste, butt” - McMurphy runs his tooth brush down in the powder and swishes it around and pulls it out and taps it on the side of the can - “but this will do fine for me. I thank you.” page 94
“ Juicy Fruit is the best I can do for you at the moment, Chief. Package I won off Scanlon pitchin’ pennies.” page 217
Why I Chose these Quotes
I choose these quotes because they show how McMurphy leads. It shows how hes kinda of like Jesus for the other people.
“I been silent so long now its gonna roar out of me like flood waters and you think the guy telling this is ranting and raving my God; you think this is too horrible to have to have really happened, this is too awful to be the truth! But, please. It’s still hard for me to have a clear mind thinking on it. But its the truth even if it didn't really happen.” Page 8
“ I know how they work it, the fog machine.” page 130
“ I saw when I landed in Europe was the fog those machines make.” page 130
“ The things i've had to clean up in these meetings nobody's believe, horrible things, poisons manufactured right out of skin pores and acids in the air strong enough to melt a man. Ive seen it.” page 151
“ And before I realized what I doing, I told him thank you.” page 217
Why I chose these Quotes
I choose these quotes about Chief because they really show who he is. You can really get a good idea of how he acts and thinks from these quotes.
Nurse Ratched
“ First Charles Cheswick and now William Bibbit! I hope you're satisfied. Playing with human lives - gambling with human lives - as if you thought yourself a God!” page 266
“ Poor boy, poor little boy.” page 316
“ I think it is past time to have a discussion of the subject of the patient Randle McMurphy and whether he should be on this ward or not.” page 133
“ What worries me, Billy, ‘ she said - I could hear the change in her voice - ‘is how your mother is going to take this .” page 264
“You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institute for the insane.” page 9
Why I Chose these Quotes
I choose these quotes because they show how manipulating Nurse Ratched is. It also shows how mean she could be. 
Doctor Spivey
“Well, the real reason that you've been sent over here is because they wanted you to be evaluated to determine whether or not you are mentally ill. This is the real reason” page 13
“The funny thing is that the person that he's the closest to is the one he dislikes the most... That's you, Mildred.” page 21
“Well, you've had five prior arrests for assault.” page 12
“ Yes, I suppose what I should do is explain the complete theory of our Therapeutic Community, while we're at it.” page 48
“As to theory…” page 48
Why I chose these Quotes
I choose this because it shows how theoretical the doctor is. It shows how he would listen to McMurphy and had a bit of a sweet spot for him.
Billy Bibbit
“His n-n-name is Bromden. Chief Bromden. Everybody calls him Chief Bromden, though, because the aides have him sweeping a l-large part of the time.” page 24
“She'd-did.” He looked around him. “And M-M-McMurphy! He did. And Harding! And the rest! They t-t-teased me, called me things!” page 315
“ And even when I was pre- possessed, I flubbed it. I said ‘ Huh- honey, will you muh-muh-muh-muh-muh..’ till the girl broke out in laughter. page 136
“Some of us have b-been here for fi-fi-five years, Randle.” page 119
“ But I would just don't think a vote wu-wu-would do any good. Not in the l-long run. Its just no use M-Mack.” page 119
Why I chose theses quotes
I chose these quotes it shows who Billy really is and how he talks and how he does things, It shows how important he is in the novel.
McMurphy is a mad man. A red headed, push till the limits kinda of person. He was very important to the novel because he taught the men to stand up for themselves. Also he was able to get the men to not feel like rabbits any more. McMurphy was the one who saved the men kind of like Jesus.. In this book I pulled out this quote, “But I tried though, he says! Goddamnit, I sure as hell did that much now, didn't I?” page 111 This is when he tried to lift the big heating box and through it at the window to break through and escape. He really shows the other men what is means to try. He is very important in the novel.because was the savior for the men. He showed the men what it is like to be a man and(have a pair!)
He has a huge impact on Bromden. He was able to get him to talk again.
Bromden is a very tall man and an Indian. He was from a small village and his father was a chief of his tribe, but his father married a white women who lived in the next town. Bromden was also a soldier remarkably. In my thought he was the one who needed the most help from McMurphy. Although Bromden spends most of his time sweeping he does go into the conference room and he says this, ““ The things ive had to clean up in these meetings nobody's believe, horrible things, poisons manufactured right out of skin pores and acids in the air strong enough to melt a man. Ive seen it.” page 151 This shows how he is forced to clean and be more of an aid then a patient. He never really got much help just a lot of shock treatments. Bromden is a very important person in this novel because he simply was the narrator and he got the most help at the end and he now is free.
Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched is also a very important person in novel. She is a so called “ball cutter” and she is the leader. A quote on this is ,“ I think it is past time to have a discussion of the subject of the patient Randle McMurphy and whether he should be on this ward or not.” page 133 This really shows how she has authority. It shows how she even has more say then Doctor Spivey, and how she controls the ward. Nurse Ratched is like the devil she keeps everybody controlled and manipulated. She does not give a lot of help to the patients but more cruelty towards patients.
Dr. Spivey
Doctor Spivey is a very interesting man. He is controlled by Nurse Ratched and then after McMurphy comes in he finally grows up and has a say in what's going on in the ward. An example of this is,“Well, the real reason that you've been sent over here is because they wanted you to be evaluated to determine whether or not you are mentally ill. This is the real reason” page 13 You can tell by the monotone of the text that he is relaxed and not a manipulating man more a of straight up guy. Throughout the story he becomes friends with McMurphy. It even turned out that McMurphy went to the same High School as McMurphy. He really helps McMurphy tick of Nurse Ratched.
Billy Bibbit
Billy Bibbit is a very interesting character. He has been on the ward for 5 years, his mother works at the ward and is in the front ward part of the ward and he has a speech impediment. You can see an example of this from this quote, “Some of us have b-been here for fi-fi-five years, Randle.” page 119 He betrayed McMurphy at the end of the story by saying that McMurphy was the reason why he was with Candy the hooker McMurphy brought in, even though Billy liked Candy. Billy is very important because he was the first ward member to come and talk to McMurphy. He was also McMurphy’s wingman.
Compare and Contrast
In the novel there's a lot of motifs. But the ward members and the Staff is very important. The staff is full of nurses who are women and women are described as weak and small. But on the other hand the patients are described as crazy because the ward made them crazy. With all of the electro shock therapies. It really shows the underworld vs. heaven. And the underworld is the staff and the prisoners are the patients and McMurphy is Jesus who comes and saves everyone.
In this novel motifs play a big role in moving the story along. In one part McMurphy takes the patients on the boat, this is an example of when Jesus takes his disciples fishing. Another example is when the other nurse with the cross and big birthmark, she is described as small and weak and that exactly how Kessey wants her described. Another example is Nurse Ratched she is described “big as a tractor” because she doesn't want to look feminine and like a women but a man with authority. These motifs really help the book move along because its what the book is mostly about and thats authority and social differences and who is crazy and who is not.
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