Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Dear Mailman"

Dear Mailman,
Sorry about my dog.
He was only trying to be friendly.
I think he confused your shoe with his bone.
It happens to the best of us.

And what does he know?
He's just a pup.

Maybe tomorrow he'll realize
that shoes are for walking,
and bones are for fetching.


1 comment:

  1. Abby, this is such a cute poem that indirectly references that everybody makes mistakes. Relating the idea to a puppy helps the reader understand your point, at least in my point of view. I can imagine my dog accidentally biting me, and I would quickly forgive her because she is just a puppy. I also really like the spacing and indentation of the poem because it helps the flow of the poem. The line "It happens to the best of us" explains that everybody makes mistakes, which is what people tend to forget. We are only human and it is understandable that we can make mistakes.
