Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Nightmare or a Warning?

James Bagnell
Introduction to Literature
Mr. Dilworth

            It all started on May 17th around 7:30 a.m. I was walking to work just like any other day, I had a cup of coffee in my right hand and a satchel hung on my left shoulder containing all my documents for a presentation I've been working on for about a week and a half. As I walked into J and L Firm I said hello to all my work friends and went into my office. The office contained a plaque with my name on it, a desk that was made from some fine piece of wood, a nice black comfortable chair, a desk light, a place for pens and pencils, and other common office supplies and furniture. As I was about to sit down in my chair I heard a loud buzz! It wasn't like a wasp type of buzz, it sounded like a helicopter buzz! I ran out into the main hall and many others where gathered around me as well. We all had a confused look on our face and wondered what was going on.
            Then all of a sudden the buzz stopped. I looked around and noticed the roof was shaking, I ran into the main lobby of the building and BANG!! The roof had collapsed right I the middle creating a circle about 20 feet wide, three ropes dropped down and three men dressed in all black with machine guns, helmets, and tactical suites. They all yelled at us in some foreign language. We all had no clue what they were saying so they shot their machine guns into the air, we all dropped onto the ground and screamed, some cried, some prayed. Once I realized this was a robbery I just froze. I was having a panic attack, I couldn't stop hyperventilating! After five minutes of hyperventilating I started to calm down and relax a bit.

            I noticed the men went into the room where my boss worked, I heard his voice then a loud gun shot. I knew he was gone after that loud bang. We were all in turmoil at that time, especially me. It was always a fear of mine that I would be in a robbery or a terrorist attack! Finally as if anything couldn't get worse than it already was the men started walking slowly towards me, they were grinning and laughing. As they were getting closer that’s when I realized…….. It was all a dream and I woke up sweating and scared in my bed…  The clock read 6:07 a.m. I realized I better start getting ready for work that day. As I got into the shower I wondered if maybe that was a warning of what’s going to happen… 

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