Sunday, September 7, 2014

The City of Dreams

New York. I was finally in the city everyone had been talking about. My car emerged from the tunnel as I rolled down my window to take in the scene before me. Some of the mist from that morning still lingered low to the ground and there were people everywhere. I head the screeching of tires and snippets of conversations. I studied each person individually as the car slowly inched forward with the rest of traffic. I smelt pollution coming from large buildings and food from a nearby bakery, and could imagine the sweet tasting cupcakes and bread. My fingers played with the interior of the car as I watched the top of buildings disappear into the sky.


  1. Georgia-
    This is a very creative short story that you wrote about New York! I can really get a feeling about driving into the city and seeing and hearing all the people. The realization I get from reading this story is that you enjoy going to New York and that you like to look around with your window down while driving through. Great job!

  2. Georgia,
    I love this short story because of how many vivid details it has! I can really picture New York with clarity. When I read it, the first word that came to my head was alone (but not in a negative way). I felt like you were in New York by yourself for the first time. You were starting to make your own path in the world, not following your parent's. I think the epiphany was the first two words in the story. Just beginning with New York was a great start.
