Tuesday, September 9, 2014

True Fear

Joshua Wang
Intro to Lit F
Mr. Dilworth
September 9, 2014

Jack had never known true fear before this. Like every child, Jack had always been afraid of the boogieman under his bed when he was younger, and he had always been reluctant to walk into dark unknown places. The one time he had given away a friend’s secret told in confidence, he had been afraid to lose that friendship. When Jack forgot to finish his homework one night, he was scared of his teacher’s admonishment. But today, Jack had done something he would regret for a long time to come. He knew not if this would be his end, or if it would just become a new beginning. He sat at home in cold sweat, anticipating the wrath of those who could so easily give, and just as easily take. The ones Jack was dreading the arrival of were his parents. He now knew true fear, for Jack had just spilled cranberry juice on their new snow white carpets.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story. I was very amused by the ending. The epiphany is obviously in the last few sentences, when it is revealed that Jack is simply afraid of his parents' anger when they realize that he has stained the carpet.
